
IPHES participates in the I International Congress of Science, Feminism and New Masculinities

The researcher Magda Gómez presented the communication “Gender equality policies in Humanities research: the IPHES as a case study” with which she made known the “Equal opportunities Plan between men and women” and the progressive incorporation of the Responsible Research and Innovation p

IPHES takes part in a study about the genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula

Marina Lozano and Josep Maria Vergès, IPHES researchers and URV associate professors, contributed with the recovering and anatomical analysis of dental human remains

A new species of reptile: a lizard without legs that lived in Murcia one million years ago

The discoverers have dedicated the new species to the paleontologist Miguel Ángel Mancheño, first director of the excavations in the Murcian site of Quibas, where it has appeared

The research stay of José Ramón Rabuñal at the Max Planck Institute

The objective was to learn new techniques to better understand how activities were organised in prehistoric settlements

Research collaboration between the IPHES and the University of La Laguna to study how the last hunter-gatherers in the Iberian Peninsula used fire

The IPHES researcher, Ana Polo, recently carried out a research stay at the AMBI LAB Archaeological Micromorphology and Biomarker Lab of the University of La Laguna to promote scientific collaboration between the PALEODEM European project of this research cent

1.9 million and 2.4 million-year-old artefacts and stone tool cutmarked bones from Ain Boucherit, Algeria

Until recently, most paleoanthropologists believed that early hominins dispersed into Northern Africa much later

IPHES receives an original painting as its first donation

The painting is by the well-known international Canadian artist, Sacha Barrette, and it has been installed in the Institute

IPHES welcomes the XIII presentation of master thesis of the Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution

Students from many different countries as Spain, France, Italy, Chile, Ethiopia, Macedonia, Morocco and Algeria Since 2006, twelve promotions of master students have been graduated and more than 183 research works have been completed

Montane Pine Forests Reached the Northeastern Coast of the Iberian Peninsula 50,000 Years Ago

A study conducted by the UAB and the IPHES confirms a continuous presence of montane coniferous forests from the Pyrenees to the Mediterranean coast from 50,000 to 15,000 years ago

New clues about the everyday activities of the first humans

Research provides new data on the use of large tools, such as heavy-duty scrapers, documented onwards from 2.5 million years ago, while many of their uses are still unknown.
