
Tarragona will host the XI Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Arqueología

It will take place from 9th to 12th May, at campus Catalunya (URV) This conference is focused on young non doctors researchers in archaeology and its related disciplines

John Charles Willman, new Marie Curie researcher at IPHES to study the use of “teeth-as-tools”

The chronological focus, between 9,000 and 3,000 years ago, provides an ideal case study given the extensive socioeconomic reorganization that is attributable to the transition from foraging to food production including increases in social stratification and

Comunicat de defunció del nostre company Lluís Batista

L'Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social lamenta comunicar el traspàs del nostre company i amic Lluís Batista.
En nom de tota la comunitat de l’IPHES volem expressar el més sentit condol.

The IPHES obtains the ‘HR Excellence in Research’ logo awarded by the European Commission

The HRS4R Action Plan comprises actions related to 4 pillars: ethical and professional aspects, recruitment, working conditions and Social Security, and training

Discovered the earliest modern human out of Africa

It is a left side of an adult upper jawbone including most of the dentition was found at Misliya Cave in Israel

The preferred use of the right hand is more ancient than it was thought and it is an ancestral characteristic of first hominins

It was considered that Neandertals were the first species with well-defined handedness, but a new international research led by IPHES goes back it to the first Homo species, Homo habilis.

IPHES: The most important news from 2017

català – español 27 January

IPHES makes available to everyone through a blog the posters presented at scientific conferences around the world

So far, 22 posts on a diversity of themes have been posted, showing the results of the research carried out at this research centre. The objective is to make this scientific production visible as well as creating a digital record open to everyone 

Experimenting to reconstruct the past

Tarragona host the V International Congress of Experimental Archaeology, organized by three Catalan Research Centers (IPHES, ICAC and ICRPC), together with the EXPERIMENTA association, and with the collaboration of the Port of Tarragona and the University Rovira i Virgili (URV).
