
Presentation of 10 new master theses of the Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution

Since 2006, fifteen promotions of master students have been graduated and more than 200 research works have been completed

A catalan research team discovers the eruption mechanisms and inner structure of a 3.5-million-year-old volcano in Caldes de Malavella

To find out, the researchers have generated a 3D model, the first of its kind in this type of geological structures. Two researchers from IPHES-CERCA and URV have participated in this investigation

A current study on the Cansaladeta site confirms that it is a key place for the knowledge of the human population in the Francolí river valley 400,000 years ago

This is confirmed by the results of the first detailed techno-spatial analysis carried out on this place in La Riba, in the Alt Camp (Tarragona)

A fossil ancestor of the African painted dog is found in Dmanisi

This finding was announced today in Scientific Reports, a journal of the Nature group It was a hypercarnivorous super-predator large dog that exhibits the most developed altruistic social behavior of all carnivores

Open the pre-enrollment for the Erasmus Mundus Master’s degree in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution

There are many students who after obtaining the title have found work in their countries. The link with the IPHES allows the students to learn from the best team that investigate human evolution and acquire knowledge of the best techniques

1.4 million years ago in Europe, Orce became an area of attraction for the manufacture and use of stone tools

Torrential rains in Barranco León allowed the first hominins to opportunistically take advantage of an accumulation of raw materials

A new fossil species of small wolf, dated 1.6 million-years-old, is found at the sites of Orce, southern Spain

Its name, Canis orcensis, is dedicated to the Andalusian town where it has been found

For the first time Neanderthal nuclear DNA preserved in cave sediment has been successfully extracted and analyzed

Some of the samples were obtained from Atapuerca, a confirmed international benchmark for genetic studies of the first hominin populations

A transdisciplinary study of the dietary evolution of the first agricultural and pastoral communities in Central Europe

This study applies the complementary approaches of stable isotope and dental microwear analyses to study the diets of past Hungarian people

450,000 years ago, technological and subsistence advances could have helped to overcome climatic conditions marked by aridity and cold

This expansion of the ecological niche of Europeans hominins from that date is related to more efficient technology and subsistence strategy
