
What do teeth hide?

Contributions of the IPHES to the international congress ICAZ It is one of the most prestigious events in the Natural and Social Sciences field, this time in Argentina thousands of scientists  gather from all around the world.

Twelve students from the URV present their Erasmus Mundus Master thesis in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution

Students from many different countries defend their work on 16th and 17th September at the Universita ‘degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy)

A 1.3 million years old phalanx discovered in Atapuerca shows that the morphology of the modern human hand was already defined at that time

The features observed on it confirm that those hominids were capable of producing and using stone tools in a complex way This human fossil, along with the mandible found in the same site and the Orce teeth, is one of the oldest in Europe

The first rock engraving attributed to a neanderthal was found in Gibraltar

This evidence confirms the ability of this species to abstract expression

IPHES massive participation in the most important world congress on Prehistory

A total of 16 sessions are coordinated by the center, which has received 265 communications, more than the 16.5% of the total that fill up the Congress.

The 700 new prehistoric remains found in Cova Eiros this summer will help to the better understanding of some aspects of the neanderthal life

Cave bear remains that used the rock shelter to hibernate are notable Anthropic action is confirmed through the cutmarks on the animal bones consumed by the hominids

The IPHES is a new research institute of the Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona

One of the main objectives is to provide added value to the academics

Thousands of new remains found in the Abric Romani support the organizational capacity of the neanderthal communities

This year has been excavated a new rich level of fossil and with an antiquity over 58,000 years
