
A monolith dedicated to Camp dels Ninots, first step to enhance the attraction of this 3.1 million years old site

A tour through several panels will be offered soon to explain how life and the environment were at that time

Debate with Eudald Carbonell about violence, solidarity, inequality and compassion within Prehistory course of the History Degree from the URV

He also talked about issues such as what is a violent act, bioethics, morality and ethology, among other topics.

New data on stone percussive activities carried out by hominids at Orce 1.4 to 1.3 million years ago

Percussive technology dates back to the earliest stages of humanization and is therefore a key aspect for understanding how first cultures evolved

Lynx cubs are responsible of many of the alterations observed on rabbit bones found at archaeological sites

This is confirmed by a research lead by the IPHES and now published by the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

A giant shrew which lived in Atapuerca about 1.2 million years ago consumed mammals larger than it to complement its diet

As it’s evidenced by the marks in a mole humerus, some depressions caused by bites, that haven’t been recorded before in small mammals

First in-person classes in the frame of the Anthropology and Human Evolution degree taught by the URV and UOC

Some questions about the activities that normally are conducted online through the virtual classrooms of the UOC can be solved

History Degree students from the URV made a one day practical course at IPHES

This visit allows students to appreciate from first-hand the research activities related to Prehistory and Human Evolution

The new IPHES website

The consolidation of certain areas of research and the addition of new branches are now fully reflected on the website.

Birds of prey and small mammalian carnivores shared space with Neanderthals at Teixoneres Cave during the Middle Palaeolithic

These animals, as hominids, consumed rabbit and hare within the cavity This reveals that Homo neanderthalensis was able to exploit a wide spectrum of fauna

In the site La Boella, different species that have not appeared before were recently found: turtle, saber-tooth cat and abundant hyena coprolites

This year the excavation was focused on the area known as La Mina, where it is expected that in future campaigns more than a million years fossils may appear
