
IPHES: The most important news from 2016

25 January 2016 The IPHES catalan research center and the Iranian RICHT Institute started a regular cooperation in the field of archaeology and human evolution

A new app for Android that lets to evaluate the museums reception wins a PIONER Prize

f theIt is about a tool that makes easier to collect more accurate data than the provided by the traditional surveys Gemma Sebares is the creator, author of the doctoral thesis that promoted the design of this new technology

The Azokh Cave site in the Caucasus was an important passageway for the hominins during their migration from Africa to Europe and Asia

This is reflected in the first international and multidisciplinary monograph dedicated to the site where the members of the IPHES have big input

IPHES hires three youngsters through a guarantee youth program

They are going to be working from Monday to Friday, full-time during six months Run by experts of this research center they will achieve tasks, according to their specialty, within the paleoecology, restoration and photography fields

Members of IPHES teach to undergraduate students in the History and Arts History degree at URV

In some of the curses, doctoral students contribute significantly

Upper Paleolithic humans may have hunted cave lions for their pelts

The researchers found that most bones showed signs of having been modified by humans using stone tools, with a specialized technique similar to that used by modern hunters when skinning prey to keep the claws attached to the fur.

IPHES Researchers presented papers at Homo erectus 100+25, International Senckenberg Conference, Tbilisi

“Homo erectus enigma” is still one of the most intriguing issues in hominin evolutionary research and the Dmanisi hominins are crucial for addressing these questions

Maçao welcomes the XI presentation of master thesis of the Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution

Students from many different countries as Spain, France, Italy, Chile and Venezuela have participated Since 2006, eleventh promotions of master students have been graduated and more than 168 research works have been completed so far

HR Excellence in Research Award

On September 15th 2016, IPHES request the Excellence in Research Award to the European Commission. 

You can view IPHES's Action Plan on the document attached.

Synthetic replicas jostle for analyzing bloodstains on prehistoric and ethnographic tools

An experimental study at IPHES shows that they can faithfully reproduce the morphology of red blood cells Currently, dentistry, palaeontology, criminalistics and archaeology are some of the fields where they are applied
