
The rabbit, a very valued animal by hominids that lived at Molí del Salt site, near Tarragona, between 8,000 and 15,000 years ago

Their capture could have had other purposes beyond their food benefits, such the skin’s acquisition for different uses

IPHES has been present at the 86th Congress of American Association of Physical Anthropologists celebrated in New Orleans

Marina Lozano, researcher at this centre,presented two posters about the dental wear observed in fossil hominids This congress is one of the world specialists meeting places about Physical Anthropology and Human Evolution. 

An international congress brings together in Tarragona the best prehistorians about Africa

This is the 3rd Meeting of African Prehistory that will be held in the auditorium of the “Paraninfo Rectorado” of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili on 28 and 29 March

Atapuerca site was the scene of the oldest case of bison communal hunting

A 400,000-year-old site in northern Spain provides evidence of ancient bison kill Cooperating the hominids were organized and drive the animals to Gran Dolina cave site, place where the bison were trapped, slaughtered and butchered

Tarragona joins with archaeology to celebrate a decade of world-class European research projects

On March 15th we will meet Spanish Principal Investigators who have obtained an ERC Grant, the most prestigious funding from the European Research Council.

An International team lead by IPHES discovered some of the earliest cultural evidences from modern humans out of Africa

These consist of a set of stone tools, dated up to 54,000 years, found in Kaldar Cave, Iran. This discovery has been recently published in Scientific Reports, one of the top-ten multidisciplinary science journals.

The IPHES, at the Mobile World Congress 2017

It does so within the framework of the initiative “La Ciència al teu Món” (Science in your World) at the YoMo Barcelona Festival, directed to ESO and baccalaureate students

New evidence on the diet of the Homo antecessor from Atapuerca

A team led by experts of the University of Barcelona, the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) and the University of Alicante, analyzes for the first time the diet of the Homo antecessor with the study of the microscopic traces left by abrasive par

New field season at the Engel Ela-Ramud basin, Eritrea

Between February 27th and March 2nd, the research project of Engel Ela-Ramud will be presented at the Youth Mobile Festival Barcelona (YoMo Barcelona) that will be held within the framework of Mobile World Congress 2017, in the Monjuïc Fair

Vth International Congress of Experimental Archaeology

As we announced last November 2016 the Institut Català de Paleocologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES), the Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Institut Català de Recerca en Patrimoni Cultural (ICRPC) and th
