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First in-person classes in the frame of the Anthropology and Human Evolution degree taught by the URV and UOC

Some questions about the activities that normally are conducted online through the virtual classrooms of the UOC can be solved


During the last weeks we have developed the in-person classes in Tarragona (Spain) of the first and second year of the Anthropology and Human Evolution degree, taught together and through virtual learning by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV).

These courses are taught by researchers of the IPHES (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social), specifically by: Robert Sala teaching Human Evolution and Culture; Carlos Lorenzo, Biological Anthropology; Marina Lozano, Human Evolution and Ethel Allué, New technologies applied to human sciences.


One in-person class in Tarragona 

“During these in-person classes some questions about the activities that normally are conducted online through the virtual classrooms of the UOC can be solved, also there are theoretical advances in the content of these courses. Direct contact with students allows developing a more streamlined discussion of some issues of each subject”, Ethel Allué observed.

The second session of the course entitled “New technologies applied to human sciences” was accomplished at the IPHES. The aim was that students could visit a research centre and see how the archaeological materials are studied through specific technologies and techniques.