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History Degree students from the URV made a one day practical course at IPHES

This visit allows students to appreciate from first-hand the research activities related to Prehistory and Human Evolution


A group of 37 students from the History Degree from the Rovira i Virgili University of Tarragona (URV) have recently made a one day practical course at IPHES (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social), within Prehistory and Prehistory of the Iberian Peninsula courses, conducted by Isabel Cáceres and Ethel Allué, both researchers at this center.

“This visit allows students to appreciate from first-hand the research activities related to Prehistory and Human Evolution”, says Ethel Allué. For this purpose, first archaeologist Marta Fontanals from the Projects Unit and Transferences of the IPHES, gave a brief presentation of the center in the Abric Romaní room followed by a guided tour. During a short pause, in the break room, students had the opportunity to enjoy a conversation with the paleontologist Jordi Agustí, ICREA researcher at the IPHES and head of the Research Department of the institute, who especially talked about his knowledge on the Dmanisi site (Georgia), where early hominids up to 1.8 million years old have been found.

During the rest of the day three workshops focused on various areas of Prehistory were performed: sediments sorting, zooarchaeology and lithic technology, by Isabel Cáceres, Ethel Allué and Esther López (grant holder at the Unit of Lithic Technology of the IPHES). “The objective was that the students got insights of the process of the study of the archaeological materials from the moment they arrived to the center until they are studied and stored, including the restoration (if required), identification, interpretation and archaeological experimentation”, says Isabel Cáceres .