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IPHES presents two new informative videos about stone tools production

You can see these on the YouTube channel of this research centre

Firstly the way of identification of different hammers using on flakes (“Hard-hammer and Softhammer”) and secondly another video about the alternate and alternating reduction strategies (“Alternating and Alternate flaking method”).

español català

Technology becomes humans from the beginning of our evolution. Along this process the ways for tools production have changed. The Arqueosnakcs series from IPHES presents two new videos in order to explain two concrete aspects of experimental archaeology, and how the specialists identify the production techniques. Firstly the way of identification of different hammers using on flakes (“Hard-hammer and Softhammer”) and secondly another video about the alternate and alternating reduction strategies (“Alternating and Alternate flaking method”).

The new videos take part of the Arquesnacks series, focused in to make easy the explanation of human evolution and archaeological science. From the site to the public, explaining quickly the advances of the field and laboratory research.

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Each video is structured on a format question-answer. Is formulated a question and researchers and experts in each field give a reasoned synthetically response.

The ArqueoSnacks’ idea is for the archaeologist and researcher of IPHES Josep Maria Vergès : “It came to me to the need of audio-visual resources that could make it through a wide distribution network, which allows answering questions often posed by students or people visiting the sites or interested in our research”, he said.We has opted for the short format in order to make them dynamic and achieve a good reception by consumers of culture through mobile devices, something that hardly can be achieved with long documentaries. “Hence your name, ArqueoSnacks, because we intend it as a cookie, candy, anything you eat between meals (that would be the documentaries) to make you spend your appetite, while your walking or do anything else, without having to sit at the table”, points out Josep Maria Vergès.

The videos, available on channel of the IPHES at YouTube (IPHESComunicació), have been co-financed by Universitat Rovira i Virgili and IPHES. There have been three versions: in Spanish, in English and in Catalan. The company responsible for the realization of the videos has been Esclats Prehistòries Didàctiques i Natrox Produccions.The Directione has been in charge of Josep Maria Vergès and have contributed Miquel Guardiola and Juan Ignacio Morales, researchers at the IPHES