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IPHES organizes an international conference about human responses to climatic changes in Prehistory

This event is to be held at the University of Rovira i Virgili, in Tarragona, on the 3-5th February 2016. The abstracts submission is now open

Specific research topics covered within this congress would include the impact of sea level rise on coastal settlement areas, human responses to changes in land cover, distribution of resources, aridity and hydrological stress


The IPHES organizes the International Conference Late Glacial to Early Holocene Socio-ecological responses to climatic instability within the Mediterranean Basin that will be held at the CaixaForum Tarragona, in this city, on the 3-5th February 2016.

Medines 2016 Conference Logotype
Medines 2016 Conference Logotype – Samantha Elsie Jones

This International Congress aims to establish a new reference framework to investigate human environmental interactions in the Mediterranean basin from the Late Upper Palaeolithic to the Neolithic (c. 17,000-6,000 cal BP). This unstable scenario witnessed some of the most significant changes in human prehistory such as the vanishment of the Upper Palaeolithic cultural traditions, the disappearance of hunter-gatherer lifestyles and the spread of farming.


The Mediterranean basin - NASA
The Mediterranean basin – NASA

This meeting will bring together archaeologists, prehistorians, geologists, geographers and biologists to produce up-to date integrated studies about past human-environmental interactions in the Mediterranean basin. The papers will analyse local and regional environmental responses to climate deterioration, its effects on population dynamics and the vulnerability and resilience of past cultural systems. Specific research topics covered within this congress would include the impact of sea level changes on coastal settlement areas, human responses to aridity and hydrological stress, resilience of the first agricultural systems to climate instability

Calls are now open for the submission of abstracts until November the 15th. Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and should include author’s affiliation and e-mail address. All abstracts should be sent to

For further information and registrationvisit the conference webpage