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A doctoral student of the URV, awarded as co-author of the best scientific article of the year 2014 by the Anatomical Society

Gizéh Rangel de Lázaro doctoral dissertation is about the evolution of the cranial vascular system in order to compare modern and extinct hominids under the co-direction of Carlos Lorenzo, professor of Rovira i Virgili and member of IPHES and Emiliano Bruner, researcher group leader of hominid Paleoneurobiology laboratory at CENIEH.

The award-winning work deals with the geometry of the precuneus, neural element of the brain, key in the evolution of Homo sapiens.

Gizéh Rangel de Lázaro with Emiliano Bruner
Gizéh Rangel de Lázaro with Emiliano Bruner


Gizéh Rangel de Lázaro, PhD student of the Erasmus Mundus Doctoral Program in Quaternary and Prehistory at the University Rovira i Virgili (URV), has won the award for best scientific paper co-authored in the 2014 awarded by the Anatomical Society (AS).

The text, whose main signatory is Emiliano Bruner, researcher at the Centro Nacional de Investigació sobre Evolución Humana (CENIEH), deals with the geometry of the deep parietal areas of the human brain, specifically in the central part, the precuneus, key in the brain evolution of Homo sapiens. Entitled “Midsagittal MRI brain variation and shape analysis of the precuneus in adult individuals”, the article was published in the Journal of Anatomy, edited by the Anatomical Society. The prize will be awarded soon in a ceremony at the University of Cambridge (England).

Since 2013, Gizéh Rangel de Lázaro works with Dr. Emiliano Bruner, researcher group leader of hominid Paleoneurobiology laboratory at CENIEH and Dr. Carlos Lorenzo Merino (IPHES-URV). Both were directors of her master dissertation and now of her doctoral thesis, which is about the morphological analysis and three-dimensional reconstruction of the cranial vascular system through the application of biomedical tools such as computed tomography and digital anatomy. The aim of Gizéh Rangel dissertation is to study the evolution of this system and to compare it with modern humans and extinct species.