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IPHES and ICAC join forces on research and museological projects on livestock and pastoralism

On February 9th and 23th a seminar will be carry out at Tarragona


“Transdisciplinary studies on livestock and pastoralism” is the title of the seminar that will be carry out on February 9th and 23th February at Tarragona, organized by the IPHES (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social) and the ICAC (Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica) with the aim of promote research lines in these areas, as well as museological projects and heritagisation.

Josep Maria Vergès, IPHES´s archaeologist and co-coordinator of the seminar along with Josep Maria Palet (ICAC) said: “We will discuss how can we work together in order to find different research groups, working on the pastoralism topics from different points of view and at different geographical areas”. “The goals are bringing together efforts and find points in common to improve the research level and get the most advantage of the available resources, among all the participants”.

Cueva El Mirador (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain), an example of pastoralism - IPHESCueva El Mirador (Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain), an example of pastoralism – IPHES

This seminar is part of the SUMA program, which forms part of the CERCA (Catalan Research Centres) from the Catalan government, where the IPHES, the ICAC and the ICRPC (Institut Català d’Investigació en Patrimoni Cultural) participate since 2012, with the aim of enhancing synergies between them.

The seminar consists of a conference that will be carry out on February 9th at the ICAC and the seminar itself on the 23th of the same month at the IPHES.


“Transdisciplinary Studies of Pastoralism in Ancient Greece”

Led by Paul Halstead, Archaeology Professor at the University of Sheffield (UK)

Date: Monday February 9th, 2015

Location: Hall of the ICAC.

Time: 12: 00-13: 00 h

Research seminar

Transdisciplinary studies on livestock and grazing

Location: IPHES

Date: Monday February 23th, 2015