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The new IPHES website

The consolidation of certain areas of research and the addition of new branches are now fully reflected on the website.

català – español

The IPHES (Institut Catalá de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social) has renovated its website to include the new goals of the Institute, while maintaining the same URL,


Recently, the IPHES opened a new building on the Sescelades campus of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. The new facilities favour new strategies and further international projection. Furthermore, the consolidation of certain areas of research and the addition of new branches are now fully reflected on the website.

Additionally, the website reflects IPHES’s academic offer and commitment to socialization activities and technology transfer services.

The website also emphasizes the news generated by the institute itself and gives direct access to communication channels in different languages, such as blogs and/or social media.