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Meeting with the archaeologist Eudald Carbonell on the future of humanity

Next Wednesday at 20 hrs. in the Metropol Cafè at Tarragona, free access

At the end of the event those who wish, with advance reservation, may enjoy a dinner with the scientist in a 12 euro menu

Eudald Carbonell

“The future of humanity” is the title of the talk that will be offered by Eudald Carbonell, archaeologist and director of IPHES (Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social), next Wednesday at 20 hrs. in the Metropol Cafè at Tarragona, an co-organized act by the Unidad de Comunicación de la Ciencia of the Universitat Rovira i Virgili de Tarragona (URV) and La Curiosa, within the cycle of scientific gatherings “Science in the Metropol”.


The international conflicts that every day claim our congeners lives, the systemic crisis we are suffering, the social imbalances… are some of the many examples that show that we are not yet humans. What should we do to achieve this humanity? To reach this condition we must set out new challenges such as the critical consciousness of species and conscious progress or responsible evolution. On this attempt, the socialization of science and technology play a vital role.


At the end of this talk, those who wish may stay for a dinner meeting with Eudald Carbonell in La Cuineta del Metropol. Metropol delicatessen will be served to share. Price: 12 euros per person. Reservations required by email to or