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IPHES: The most important news from 2016

25 January 2016

The IPHES catalan research center and the Iranian RICHT Institute started a regular cooperation in the field of archaeology and human evolution

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1 February 2016

Experts from around the world will be coming to Tarragona to discuss human responses to climate change through prehistory

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4 February 2016

The 2016 Tübingen prize for early prehistory and quaternary ecology goes to Antonio Rodríguez-Hidalgo of the IPHES

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1 March 2016

Javier Fernández-López de Pablo, researcher of the IPHES, awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant 2015

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14 March 2016

Clarifying the origins of Sima de los Huesos hominins

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABone powder removed from a thigh bone that yielded the first DNA sequences from the 430,000-year-old hominins from Sima de los Huesos, Spain – Javier Trueba, MADRID SCIENTIFIC FILMS

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28 March 2016

The first Europeans: leading roles in a special issue of Quaternary International

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17 June 2016

Did moianès witness Neanderthal extinction?

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29 June 2016

IPHES presents two new informative videos about stone tools production

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20 August 2016

The tooth and the parietal of a Neanderthal child 7-9 years old who lived in Teixoneres Cave 50,000 years ago have been discovered

parietal-dentThe parietal and the tooth Neanderthal – IPHES

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29 August 2016

The IPHES co-organise a scientific symposium in japan on novel methods for the study of past human behavior

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21 September 2016

Maçao welcomes the XI presentation of master thesis of the Erasmus Mundus in Quaternary Archaeology and human evolution

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28 October 2016

Upper paleolithic humans may have hunted cave lions for their pelts

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6 December 2016

The Azokh Cave site in the Caucasus was an important passageway for the hominins during their migration from Africa to Europe and Asia

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21 December 2016

A new app for android that lets to evaluate the museums reception wins a Pioner Prize

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