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The IPHES, at the Mobile World Congress 2017

It does so within the framework of the initiative “La Ciència al teu Món” (Science in your World) at the YoMo Barcelona Festival, directed to ESO and baccalaureate students

It will introduce young people in a research project carried out at Eritrea, and will offer some educational and practical workshop on the main hominid’ species

During March1 and 2, between 11 and 14 hours, some practical activities with fossils hominids


The Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (IPHES) will be, from 27 February to 2 March, in the Youth Mobile Festival Barcelona (YoMo Barcelona). It will be celebrated within the framework of the Mobile World Congres 2017, in Fira de Barcelona, Montjuïc Hall 1. It does it through “La Ciéncia al teu Món” (Science in your World), an initiative promoted by important research centres and communication professionals, collaborating with educators and technology experts. In this context, Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, ICREA researcher at the IPHES, will present the research project that this institute carries out in Eritrea, and the archaeologist Lluís Batista, responsible from socialization area of the same centre, will teach some educational workshop on the main hominid’ species.

By YoMo Barcelona will pass more than 20,000 students from ESO and baccalaureate, from Catalonia and all over Spain, who want to be witnesses and enjoy this science and technology international Congress. The research project that will release the IPHES at the “Science in your World” stand takes title “Cuna de la Humanidad: Eritrea-Valle del Rift” (Cradle of the Humankind: Eritrea-Rift Valley), sponsored by Palarq Foundation and managed from Atapuerca Foundation.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABienvenido Martínez-Navarro and Eudald Carbonell in Eritrea

Of paleontological and archaeological character, it is geographically developed at the Engel Ela-Ramud’s basin, located in Danakil’s depression of Eritrea, close to Red Sea, which is one of the most arid and inhospitable regions of the world, and where the fifth field work season has just finished.  The project is co-directed by Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro and Eudald Carbonell, full Professor  of Prehistory at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili, assigned to IPHES.

This research project will be used to introduce the students in the adventure of prehistoric and palaeontological science, explaining the importance of fossil finding to evaluate the ecologic scenerio where the first hominid populations appeared, and how they progressed until become in anatomic modern humans. There will be also showed how were the earliest stone tools (stone knifes) that used our ancestors, helping them to access the carcasses of large animals with the aim of feeding themselves. In this way they became omnivorous consumers of much more energetic foods, which allowed them to develop a larger brain and greater intelligence.

During March1 and 2, between 11 and 14 hours, some practical activities with fossils hominids will be realized by Lluís Batista, while Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro will give a brief speech on the Engel Ela-Ramud researches and he will answer any questions from students related to this project.